Integrating scattering techniques with ultrasensitive SPM/AFM, the SpectraView MV2500TM is a breakthrough in nanochemical analysis: IR-ThZ-Raman-AFM. The SpectraView 2500 (TM) is a compact ultra-low noise scanning probe microscope, offering the highest of resolution and force sensitivity. It offers all modes of AFM, contact, tapping, non-contact and elasticity mapping together with other standard protocols. The SpectraView2500 has the ultimate in flexibility for full optical integration with a variety of microscopes including Raman and Fluorescence. Unlike any other AFM it can be placed on the stage of any upright microscope for viewing opaque samples with the highest numerical aperture objectives.
Furthermore, the system is completely unimpeded from below allowing for ease of integrating inverted and dual microscopes, magnets etc. Besides the ability to use all AFM probes available today, owners of the SpectraView 2500 have exclusive use of Nanonics NanoToolKitTM of probes that permit a full range of functional SPM applications without obstructing the optical axis from above. This allows for on-line spectral characterization of chemical information using Raman, fluorescence or other spectral techniques.
Applications :
- Colocalized IR, Raman, THz and AFM
- Singular protocols for excitation in the IR with Raman and fluorescence detection in the visible
- Image with photon force with pN force sensitivity
- Patented cantilevered completely transparent probes
- Highly localized scattering at the tip
- Versatile configurations with advanced SPM modes of operation: Kelvin Probe chemical potential, electrical, thermal and photon force detection
- Online variable magnetic fields
- Applications in plasmonics of 2D materials, liquids, biology etc.