Next Generation Sequencing

Next Generation Sequencing

Hybrid capture-based target enrichment employs probes to capture target sequences in a NGS library. Hybrid capture sequencing is sensitive and suited for detecting single nucleotide variants, translocations, structural variants, insertions and deletions, and copy number variations. Agilent provides a full suite of hybridization capture-based target enrichment NGS products, including library preparation and target enrichment kits, exomes, catalog and custom probes, software solutions, sample quality control and automation platforms. Whether your research needs a catalog NGS panel or a custom design to include your genes of interest, Agilent has the solutions for you.

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Sureselect Max

The SureSelect Max mRNA library prep kit features optimized reagents and provides robust performance, generating high-complexity libraries and uniform transcript coverage, starting with as little as 10 ng, and up to 1µg of total RNA. The modular portfolio, with standalone reagent components, enables a flexible protocol tailored to workflow requirements.

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