Electrodes and Accessories

Electrodes and Accessories

Looking for reference electrodes, carbon fiber electrodes or ion selective electrodes used in biosensing research application. They are here with all the biosensing accessories.

  • Biosensing Accessories :
    Our biosensing accessories category includes replacement parts, buffer solutions, liquid ion exchangers, calibration solutions, cables, filling solutions and startup kits. These products are used by life science researchers who work with biosensing and free radical detection.
  • Carbon Fiber Electrodes :
    Carbon fiber microelectrodes have been used in both the detection of ox­i­diz­able compounds (Gonon, et al., 1978; Cahill and Wightman, 1995) and extracellular single-unit re­cord­ing (Armstrong-James and Millar, 1979). WPI’s ultra-sensitive and low-noise carbon fiber (CF) electrodes can be ap­plied, with our Micro-C Poten­tio­stat or similar in­stru­ments, in the electrochemical detection of cat­e­chola­mines (epi­neph­rine, norepinephrine and dopamine), indolamines (serotonin, 5-HT or melatonin), ascorbic acid, Fe (II), and other ox­i­diz­able compounds.
  • Ion Selective Electrodes :
    Our ion selective electrodes are highly stable, ac­cu­rate­ly measuring cal­ci­um, po­tas­si­um, hydrogen and TPP ion activity. Tips consist of 2 mm di­am­e­ter plas­tic tubes sealed at one end with an ion-sen­si­tive mem­brane. After filling the ion selective electrodes with elec­tro­lyte so­lu­tion, you can in­sert the tube into the hold­er and con­nect it to a pH meter. Tips and hold­ers are in­ter­change­able, so one tip may be re­placed with an­oth­er sensitive to a dif­fer­ent ion. Replac­ing a tip takes less than a minute. Elec­trode tips nor­mal­ly last sev­er­al months, when stored proper­ly in sa­line so­lu­tion. When re­place­ment is neces­sary, only the tip needs be re­placed.
    Kwik-Tip electrodes are available separately and as kits. A separate reference electrode, such as WPI's Dri-RefTM, is also required.
  • Reference Electrodes :
    Dri-RefTM reference electrodes were developed by WPI to have extremely low electrolyte leak­age properties. In addition to this key feature, these electrodes exhibit stable and reproducible potential and low resistance. Stored in KCl when not in use, they have a long life expectancy.
    Although the internal filling solution con­tains KCI, the low flu­id leakage means Dri-Ref may be used in combination with ion se­lec­tive elec­trodes, in­clud­ing those for K+ and Cl-, without sig­nif­i­cant con­tam­i­na­tion from the reference elec­trode.
    The Dri-Ref electrodes are chemically resistant to strong acids and alkalines. Dri-Ref electrodes are not suitable for use in organic solvents. In addition, the long, thin FLEXREF may be easily manipulated to accommodate a difficult experimental setup.